Using "abhor" in a sentence

The first organization of its kind in the animal protection movement, the Center encourages businesses to honor their social responsibilities in a culture where consumers, investors, and other key stakeholders abhor cruelty and the degradation of the environment and embrace innovation as a means of eliminating both.
Source: WSOC Charlotte

Alpro even sold to dairy farmers, who many vegans abhor for the alleged cruelty of their milking practices, which has led to the rise of the milk alternatives.
Source: The Telegraph

I abhor animal cruelty but, more broadly, I also see how important it is to make our world sustainable.
Source: HOLA! USA

So much like how I feel older directors are looking at the MCU cookie-cutter blockbusters they abhor and shutting themselves off to everything else modern cinema has to offer, I am looking at Marvel and DC’s constant reboots, relaunches, and lack of continuity and say “Well nuts to you, infant; I have to get rid of all this bath water!” (Remember when I was going to review a comic book here? Good times) ANYWAY, DCYJ is about the big Young Justice Four (Bart, Tim, Conner, and Cassie) dealing with the loss of the Justice League… when suddenly, the three boys of the team find themselves whisked away to an alternate reality taking them back to that era of DC that I loved, the era when this team formed and they were young at heart.

Its nose-to-tail approach is very Capricorn too; they abhor wasted anything, whether it’s time or food.
Source: Eater London

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