Using "assent" in a sentence

The Bill, after it is passed by the state legislature, is not required to be reserved for assent of the President as the Governor would be competent to give assent to it.
Source: The Tribune India

House passes landmark legislation protecting same-sex marriageRead moreHartzler’s high-profile objection to the bill, which passed the House following assent from the Senate and is now set for Joe Biden’s signature, prompted her own nephew to speak out against her in a TikTok video that has been seen more than 200,000 times.
Source: The Guardian US

Willing participants signed a supplemental consent/assent to provide stool, urine, and/or hair samples as a part of the study.
Source: BMC Nutrition BioMed Central

A Senator also has the power to vote on the presidential appointments that require assent – important cabinet positions such as defence secretary or home secretary, and justices of the US Supreme Court.
Source: Report GameSpot

The Bill, after it is passed by the state legislature, is not required to be reserved for assent of the President as the Governor would be competent to give assent to it.
Source: The Tribune India

The Code on Social Security, 2020, received the assent of the President of India on September 28, 2020 and shall come into force on such date/dates, as may be decided.
Source: The Hindu

The Counsellors of State Bill received royal assent on Tuesday and became law the day after.
Source: Collider

In the version of pre-Musk Twitter conjured by conservative rhetoric, one would expect universal assent to this judgment, if not, replies reading, “Yes! This is an excellent pretext for a coup against the bad orange man!” But Taibbi’s documents actually reveal internal skepticism of the decision, and expressions of ambivalence even from those who endorsed it.
Source: New York Magazine

Parental consentTwo original items highlighted that there must be sufficient provisions for soliciting the assent of children [19, 52].
Source: BMC Medical Ethics BMC Medical Ethics

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