Using "benediction" in a sentence

Or you can flip through the entire thing online, in all its scrawled-over glory, from the majestically punctuated opening line, “Marley was dead: to begin with,” straight through to Tiny Tim’s conclusive “God Bless Us, Every One!” The scrumptious quotableness includes my all-time favorite, Scrooge’s icy benediction to the hapless poor who won’t avail themselves of prisons and workhouses — “If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population” — which serves to remind us that the attitude of the haves, at least some of the haves, toward the have-nots is eternal.
Source: GeekWire

The evening’s benediction came from Al Bell, who summed up the affection for Stewart and his role in history.
Source: Commercial Appeal

In Judaism, Kiddush is a benediction recited over a cup of wine before the meal on the eve of the Sabbath (day of rest).
Source: Longmont Times-Call

Adams adds a benediction after sharing her favorites: “May all gardens emanate smells that make us stop and breathe a moment longer!”My grandmother would like that.
Source: Los Angeles Times

His emotional disintegration in the final moments is a shattering benediction indeed.
Source: Los Angeles Times

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