Using "cytoplasm" in a sentence

coli cell with ruptured cell membrane and cytoplasm release after contact with 0.

A clear cytoplasm contrast appeared at 1370 cm−1 and 1636 cm−1 after RIF treatment.

Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that cells infected with either RSV or IAV displayed features typical of the replicative cycle of each virus, such as cytoplasmic inclusion bodies containing RSV nucleoprotein (N), or diffuse IAV nucleoprotein (NP) staining within the cytoplasm (Fig.

The host’s nutrient-rich cytoplasm rendered biosynthetic genes redundant, and genetic drift enhanced by small effective population sizes and frequent bottlenecks resulted in further genomic deterioration8.
Source: Albuquerque Business First The Business Journals

Beyond crowded cellular cytoplasm and cluttered laboratory freezers, you also can find enzymes hard at work in industry.
Source: ASBMB Today

This strategy is somewhat similar to how polymerase-acidic protein-X (PA-X) protein of the influenza virus inhibits SG formation parallelly with depletion of poly(A) RNA in cytoplasm and nuclear accretion of poly(A)-binging protein (PABP).
Source: News-Medical.Net

k, Western blot analysis of Na+/K+-ATPase and β-tubulin in CM and cytoplasm.
Source: Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine

On the other hand, an assessment of the induced group showed aggressive infiltrative tumors composed of sheets, masses, and cords of polygonal, cohesive cells with enlarged irregular vesicular nuclei having prominent nucleoli and ample eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasm (Fig.

0) and injected into the cytoplasm of mouse 1-cell embryos.

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