Using "depreciate" in a sentence

The way we have to look at that is very different because most things when you bottle them, package them, try to contain them, they start to depreciate in value.
Source: The Lane Report

Too much content, even optional, can depreciate what’s present.
Source: Goomba Stomp

In other words, inflation causes money to depreciate over time, but COLAs help the purchasing power of Social Security benefits remain constant.
Source: The Motley Fool

“You could depreciate 100% immediately.
Source: Forbes

dollars, but over time our currencies depreciate and lose value and we end up having to make twice or three times the payment we initially promised in order to reimburse our creditors.
Source: Bitcoin Magazine

For those looking to get into the world of luxury fashion, both Hyde and Karamoh advise against starting with something like the Prada tank top, which can depreciate in value and may not stand the test of time compared to accessories such as bags and shoes.
Source: Yahoo Life

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