Using "dogma" in a sentence

It’s not that Star Wars hasn’t alluded to this kind of religiosity beyond the construct of the Jedi and Sith’s binaries, or the dogma underlying the Jedi Order’s profound institutional failures.
Source: Gizmodo

33 EST44th over: England 176-5 (Brook 58, Stokes 7) Stokes is content with singles at the moment, so he does seem to be laying down his dogma and playing the situation.
Source: The Guardian

Given this, it is easy to tell why Socrates is put on trial by the Athenian elite for, among other things, questioning the dogma of their authority.
Source: Forbes

0 82twztid13Sun 17th Jul 2022 @TheWingedAvenger i haven't played dragons dogma because i heard u had to have NPC with u in battle & train them up, etc? Are u saying that's not true, it's completely single player throughout? If so, i may give it another chance.
Source: What To Play After You've Finished Breath Of The Wild Nintendo Life

33 EST44th over: England 176-5 (Brook 58, Stokes 7) Stokes is content with singles at the moment, so he does seem to be laying down his dogma and playing the situation.
Source: The Guardian

(Yuri Gripas/AFP via Getty Images)Several service members told Fox News Digital in October that military recruits are being indoctrinated by left-wing dogma and that senior members who speak out on the issue risk their careers or retirement pensions.
Source: Fox News

‘One dogma after another’Jean-Luc Godard was born in Paris on Dec.
Source: The Washington Post

It’s a trend that has exposed as fantasy the Tory dogma that slashing back the state is always positive for the economy.
Source: The Guardian

“Everyone knows I never really fit well into any kind of political dogma or party structure,” Sinema continued.
Source: Arizona Daily Star

Author of the original novel and screenwriter Emma Donaghue refuses to shy away from condemning religious dogma that punishes and places impossible burdens on its most vulnerable.
Source: Her Campus

He made this defiant statement: ‘Truth is a pathless land: man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, nor through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique.
Source: PopMatters

In this light, any form of hatred or prejudice born out of dogma can be considered a failure of interpretation, a lack of full inquiry, a deficiency in reason.
Source: NPR

Is Salt Really So Bad? James DiNicolantonio, a doctor of pharmacy, objects to what he calls the “low-salt dogma” and believes that salt has been unfairly demonized.
Source: The Epoch Times

The discovery challenges the established dogma of “stable” and “unstable” lesions, refining this through the application of artificial intelligence to molecular signatures.
Source: Inside Precision Medicine

12 letter “US will fall like Babylon,” in my view, unabashedly proselytizes, tortures facts into compliance with religious dogma and … I enjoyed the Nov.
Source: LNP | LancasterOnline

The dogma of religion, the benighted hatreds and bigotry it so often inspires, seem a world away from this safe space, flooded with light, like a portal between the sensuous and spiritual world.
Source: Android Police

The architect, known for his beautiful use of space and form, he was also influential in his use of materials, Jean-Louis Cohen noting: There is absolutely no dogma in Lautner’s attitude to materials; as a result he never subordinates the design concept of his buildings to any rigid rule that would require the primacy of a single material in a project.
Source: BeachGrit

 One of the kitchen trends we're seeing a lot coming through right now is for mixed metals - chromes and golds, darks and warms - which feels like a move away from the dogma of having all one color.
Source: LivingEtc

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