Using "heretics" in a sentence

In this way, science distinguishes itself from religion, which devalues the claims of heretics and recusants on the basis of their supposedly defective souls; and from the pseudoscience embedded in radical political movements (as with the Nazis, who spuriously rejected what they called “Jewish science,” and Stalinists, who similarly railed against science deemed “bourgeois”).
Source: Quillette

In Western democracies, outrage mobs do not burn heretics at the stake, at least not yet [28].
Source: The American Conservative

Awkward facts become heresies, the heretics are condemned and the truth is withheld – all because the public are considered too stupid to handle nuance.
Source: Spiked

A man of science, he also conducts research into how one might live in the deadlands—as he and his band of fellow heretics must.
Source: Gematsu

One thing Darktide is sorely lacking is a tangible antagonist or even some inkling about what the heretics are planning for Atoma Prime.
Source: PC Gamer

There are few better feelings in Darktide than blocking a chokepoint with the Ogryn, having your sharpshooters crowd around you to find clear shots, and holding the line while your comrades shred the heretics at hand.
Source: Screen Rant

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