Using "pedagogy" in a sentence

that are superficially different enough that they plausibly could have come from a student As a result, Berger argues, pedagogy related to programming needs to adapt.
Source: The Register

" Most recently, as Vice President for Impact at Minnesota Opera, Bynum led a transformation of the company's approach to pedagogy within its classical music curricular initiatives and helped expand the canon to ensure the work of underrepresented creators was featured on its stages.
Source: Broadway World

By Stephen MarchePaul Spella / The Atlantic; GettyDecember 6, 2022, 11:30 AM ETSuppose you are a professor of pedagogy, and you assign an essay on learning styles.
Source: The Atlantic

In the ‘60s she worked at the Pratt Institute in New York, then studied pedagogy at the University of California, Berkeley, and prints at the Tamarind Lithography Workshop in Los Angeles.
Source: artnet News

Queer abstraction and Black abstraction have done important work to crack open and draw attention to some of the failures of pedagogy as tied to abstraction and modernism.
Source: ArtReview

‘We created various spaces related to the users, such as small garden, a pedagogy studio, a workshop for scale model airplanes, and a private patio for children,’ he writes.
Source: Designboom

Teaching professors are educational professionals who combine instructional excellence with a variety of leadership, community building, outreach, pedagogy advances, and other forms of scholarship.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education

DreamYard In School Programs serve 45 schools in the Bronx, providing “art instruction with social justice pedagogy systems.
Source: Culture Type

StarSolidStarSolidStarSolidStarOutline(3 stars)The documentary filmmaker Neasa Ni Chianain seems to have, in recent years, made eccentric Irish pedagogy the exclusive focus of her interest.
Source: The Washington Post

So why complain? The chain-of-pedagogy model worked best and most traditionally in the first of the program’s three segments.
Source: SF Chronicle Datebook

“Based on his own assertion that he doesn’t know who Nancy is should be sufficient reason for anyone not to elect him to be responsible for approving educational curriculum and pedagogy for students,” a third added.
Source: New York Post

The Unbearable Bleakness of American Schooling by Robert Pondiscio (link here) This searing essay takes on what Pondiscio calls “the pedagogy of the depressed.
Source: Forbes

“The HHMI Learning Grant provided an opportunity for our team to work with a dedicated group of students from four STEM departments – biology, chemistry, physics and psychology – to explore diversity, equity, and inclusive pedagogy in the science classroom.
Source: North Carolina A&T

“I think it offers a novel approach, a different learning pedagogy system … Not everyone is adapted to sit in a classroom, so in that way, it does add value,” she said.
Source: Colorado State University

Broadly speaking, several districts are moving away from the pedagogy by education professor Lucy Calkins that focuses on engaging material and self-discovery in favor of an approach centered on phonics and sounding out words.
Source: The San Francisco Standard

Nothing was left untouched: Labs, offices, a library, an herbarium, and a garden terrace were all rescued from their exile in midcentury notions of pedagogy and scientific research.
Source: Metropolis Magazine

But the balanced literacy pedagogy stresses that loving reading, like really, really loving it is an important key to literacy.
Source: WBUR News

Beyond the unresolved copyright and software licensing issues, other computer scientists, such as University of Massachusetts Amherst computer science professor Emery Berger, have raised the alarm about the need to reevaluate computer science pedagogy in light of the expected proliferation and improvement of automated assistive tools.
Source: The Register

“I think it offers a novel approach, a different learning pedagogy system … Not everyone is adapted to sit in a classroom, so in that way, it does add value,” she said.
Source: EurekAlert

The program's pedagogy entails experiential learning activities such as role-plays, group exercises, games, cases, and simulations so that the participants can assimilate and retain their learnings from these experiences.
Source: Medical Dialogues

But if most contemporary writing pedagogy is necessarily focused on helping students master the basics, what happens when a computer can do it for us? Is this moment more like the invention of the calculator, saving me from the tedium of long division, or more like the invention of the player piano, robbing us of what can be communicated only through human emotion?Maybe the moment when I felt most caught between these two thoughts was when I asked GPT a question from an exam I give in my Eastern-philosophy course, something I’ve never imagined a student could find outside assistance to answer: “Explain the Madhyamaka Buddhist idea that all phenomena lack inherent existence, using a funny, specific example.
Source: The Atlantic

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