Using "photosynthesis" in a sentence

It’s especially important if you want to manipulate that process, as some do, by doing things like growing seaweed—which removes carbon from the air through photosynthesis to build its tendrils—and then sinking it into deep ocean trenches to store that carbon away.
Source: WIRED

Since carbon uptake and water loss occur through stomata, photosynthesis and transpiration both decline with stomatal closure and thus, with decreasing soil moisture30.
Source: Larchmont Buzz

The close association between cholesterol/SGA biosynthesis, 7-DHC accumulation and photosynthesis in leaves and green fruit of tomato (Figs.

Take, for example, plants: plants ‘invented’ a way of undergoing photosynthesis to enhance their own survival, but in so doing, released oxygen that changed the entire function of our planet.
Source: University of Rochester

The newly developed conditions allowed unicellular algae to thrive, and the algae, in turn, performed photosynthesis - a process during which they absorb carbon dioxide and water from the environment and use the sun’s energy to produce sugars.
Source: Ynetnews

They get energy through both photosynthesis and eating other microbes.
Source: Scientific American

For instance, the Gates Foundation has funded the C4 Rice Project to improve the photosynthesis of rice by changing vein spacing.
Source: The Mercury News

For instance, one group including Werner published a paper on a wireless, autonomous chlorophyll fluorometer that measures photosynthesis efficiency in plants.
Source: Eos

2% Total Count 122 232 135 133 Discussion In recent years, VD deficiency has become a global problem, almost affecting the whole six continents of the universe despite the availability of sunshine which aid in the photosynthesis of cutaneous VD and/or consumption of supplementary VD doses.
Source: Cureus

They’re investigating the possibility of using their genetic circuits to manipulate root structure in sorghum, a plant that can be refined into biofuel, to help it absorb water and perform photosynthesis more efficiently.
Source: Stanford University News

“In terms of metabolism, it does chemosynthesis, which is a process analogous to photosynthesis for plants.
Source: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Draft EIS says (MISTAKENLY) Mars life can get to Earth faster and be better protected in meteorites than sample tubes - their cites don’t support this - their main cite is about transfer from Mars to its innermost moon Phobos instead of Earth - and didn’t look at sterilization during ejection from Mars Charles Cockell’s paper (which they don’t mention) said planetary exchange of photosynthesis might not be impossible but quite specific physical conditions and evolutionary adaptations are needed and the fireball of re-entry is the most important filter to stop photosynthetic life getting to Earth Draft EIS says (MISTAKENLY) existing credible evidence suggests Mars hasn’t been habitable for life as we know it for millions of years - their cite says that we need to search for current habitats in a seemingly uninhabitable Mars Draft EIS says (MISTAKENLY) that Jezero crater is too inhospitable for life to survive there – their cite from 2014 only studied capabilities for forward contamination by terrestrial life, and specifically says it didn’t study potential capabilities martian life might have (as needed for backwards contamination studies) Draft EIS says MISTAKENLY that the 2014 cite represents a consensus opinion within the astrobiology scientific community – even for forwards contamination it was not a consensus as it was overturned by a 2015 review commissioned by ESA and NASA which emphasized potential for microhabitats within apparently uninhabitable regions, and transport of life on dust Draft EIS says (MISTAKENLY) potential environmental impacts would not be significant – 2009 NRC study says risk of large scale effects appears to be low but not demonstrably zero, and they can’t rule out the possibility of large scale effects on the Earth’s biosphere from martian life in the distant past Potential for large scale effects should be re-assessed based on many new potential microhabitats on Mars both for Jezero crater and elsewhere on Mars - not known at the time of the 2009 report Draft EIS OMITS the 2012 European Space Foundation study which reduced the size limit to 0.
Source: Best They Can Do Is Start Again Science 2.0

Instead, it relies on a natural process known as photosynthesis to create electricity without emitting pollutants like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Source: EP Magazine

And when it comes to lighting, plants that only require low light work great in these spaces, able to undergo photosynthesis with just artificial light.
Source: House Digest

org/0000-0003-4458-31081  Nature (2022)Cite this article 2423 Accesses 144 Altmetric Metrics details AbstractThe ocean–atmosphere exchange of CO2 largely depends on the balance between marine microbial photosynthesis and respiration.

Stimulating photosynthesis is a promising strategy to accelerate plant growth and biomass production5,6.

"Half of all photosynthesis on the planet occurs in the world's oceans, which means that half of all oxygen we breathe is from the ocean.
Source: BBC

As CO2  levels change, “breathing” pores in leaves called stomata open and close, thus controlling evaporation of water, photosynthesis and plant growth.

The study also shed light on how photosynthesis adapted to the rise of oxygen.
Source: SciTechDaily

Therefore, avoiding rejection and elimination of a natural photosynthesis system in the mammalian body to achieve a functional cross-species application strategy remains a challenge.
Source: Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine

Plant nanobionics approach to augment photosynthesis and biochemical sensing.

Plants need iron for fundamental metabolic reactions such as their photosynthesis and respiration.
Source: EurekAlert

  Following the event, the “impact winter” for the next three years virtually made photosynthesis come to a halt and temperature to fall.
Source: India Narrative

2)1, performing almost as much photosynthesis as plants do on land2, locking vast quantities of carbon away from the atmosphere3,4 and underpinning the ocean food web5.

"Overall, I found optimum photosynthesis at temperatures far above those predicted for the future and no evidence of regional local adaptation to temperature.
Source: Bowdoin College

Plants take carbon from the air during photosynthesis turning it into energy for growth.
Source: Tri-State Livestock News

Given that the terrestrial biosphere would collapse within a short time period in the absence of nutrient recycling between different species in a diverse ecosystem, it is also unlikely that one species of organism could exist by itself in the cloud layer of Venus, with the speculative exception perhaps of an autotrophic species using photosynthesis and only maintaining a very low biomass, such as that described by metabolism A.

Prochlorococcus is the most abundant photosynthetic organism in the ocean, but single-cell measurements and model simulations reveal that this organism might obtain only 20% of the carbon required for growth from photosynthesis in the deep water column.

Blue-green algae, a type of cyanobacteria, set in a container on a windowsill powered a computer continuously for six months using photosynthesis Technology 12 May 2022 By Matthew Sparkes A container holding blue-green algae that powered a computerP.
Source: Investor's Business Daily

So far, there is no convincing explanation for this rise and fall in atmospheric oxygen during the Great Oxidation Event based on cyanobacterial photosynthesis.
Source: Eos

The efficiency of photosynthesis organisms and of such devices critically depends on (photo)protection, which ensures their durability under dense photon fluxes.

These nutrients then boost the growth of phytoplankton and other marine plants, which use photosynthesis to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Source: One Earth

The genus wholesomely amazes plant scientists with the ability to run photosynthesis following the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) which prolongs its oxygen release even in dark, and in being resilient to longer soil dryness, pathogenesis and herbivory as well, all of which also indeed qualify them as perfect indoor and garden ornamentals47,48.

The vast majority of fungi or mushrooms (the fruiting bodies of certain fungi) are known as saprophytes (sapro = decay [nourished], phyte = plant), as if to say fungi are plants that feed off decaying organisms, even though fungi are not actually plants since they do not make their own food through photosynthesis but derive it from decomposing organic material.
Source: San Bernardino County Sun

This limits photosynthesis in plants, which absorb less of the CO₂ heating Earth’s atmosphere.
Source: The Conversation Indonesia

Produced in chloroplasts (the tiny green organelles where the process of photosynthesis is carried out), it is typically generated in response to stress.
Source: openPR

Low-light anoxygenic photosynthesis and Fe-S-biogeochemistry in a microbial mat.

 In this case, the mistletoe does perform photosynthesis for energy, but it has no way to obtain water or nutrients by itself.
Source: Columbia Daily Tribune

“Where does this additional mass come from?” The answer is that plants turn raw materials like soil manure, carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into food and oxygen through photosynthesis.
Source: techinfoBiT

The pond shimmers with insects; green wafts of algae thrum, each cell an engine of chemical reactions; photosynthesis turning sunlight to sugar, energy into biomass.
Source: Literary Hub

Legumes are different: leaf nitrogen, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency.

Using CRISPR gene editing technology, scientists are embarking on an $11 million research project to try to hack photosynthesis to suck carbon out of the air more efficiently.
Source: National Geographic

Yale scientists describe how Portulaca oleracea, commonly known as purslane, integrates two distinct metabolic pathways to create a novel type of photosynthesis that enables the weed to endure drought while remaining highly productive, they report August 5 in the journal Science Advances.
Source: Yale News

99AmazonTargetSucculent AssortmentSucculents are all of the photosynthesis with a fraction of the responsibility.
Source: The Verge

That solar energy traveled millions of miles to Earth and a small portion began to power photosynthesis inside this tree’s active cells.
Source: MTPR

These nutrients then boost the growth of phytoplankton and other marine plants, which use photosynthesis to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

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