Using "proffer" in a sentence

She found that some of the exhibits in the filing were “already ordered sealed and are confidential,” explaining that it was “highly inappropriate for Jamie Spears to proffer these documents.
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Who can forget sitting through 2005’s Fantastic Four for instance, and spotting the as-subtle-as-a-welly-in-your-nether-regions promo for Burger King? Or the assorted Ford vehicles that pop up as the visitors take a tour around Jurassic Park? Yet one particular period for product placement was the early 1990s in particular, when the desire for companies to proffer their wares was mixed with messages about the need for safe sex.
Source: Film Stories

us proffer a complete understanding of the Insulated wires Market [Snapshot - Global Market Size, Largest Segment, Fastest Growth and Growth Rate in % (CAGR)] in its latest research report.
Source: EIN News

us proffer a complete understanding of the Golf Socks Market [Snapshot - Global Market Size, Largest Segment, Fastest Growth and Growth Rate in % (CAGR)] in its latest research report.
Source: EIN News

She found that some of the exhibits in the filing were “already ordered sealed and are confidential,” explaining that it was “highly inappropriate for Jamie Spears to proffer these documents.
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Alleging he’d been misled in a written proffer of facts by Michele L.
Source: Season 1 Reloaded Trailer | The Game Awards IGN

  Plaintiff-Appellees’ Brief In their consolidated brief, plaintiff-appellees proffer three main arguments for affirming the district court’s ruling.
Source: Lawfare Lawfare

Although there were some innate road bumps with this shift, our team wholeheartedly believes in the baseline values of open communication, teamwork and trust and weaving that into how we work with one another to still proffer that sense of community.
Source: Dice Insights

John Fullbright – “Stars” Songwriter: John FullbrightIn an industry full of egomaniacs, phonies, and viper Capitalists, it’s kind of refreshing to happen upon a reluctant and conflicted performer who seems almost embarrassed to proffer up music for your listening pleasure.
Source: Saving Country Music

They forewarn that if we do enact some of these AI laws, we will be killing the golden goose by clamping down on advances in AI that proffer immense societal advantages.
Source: Forbes

us proffer a complete understanding of the Knitting Yarn Market [Snapshot - Global Market Size, Largest Segment, Fastest Growth and Growth Rate in % (CAGR)] in its latest research report.
Source: EIN News

us proffer a complete understanding of the Oat Powder Market [Snapshot - Global Market Size, Largest Segment, Fastest Growth and Growth Rate in % (CAGR)] in its latest research report.
Source: EIN News

A politically affordable and realpolitik way for both sides to proceed could be for each to proffer what it means by “strategic stability.
Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

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