Using "unabated" in a sentence

Now that they’re trending toward another early draft choice -- currently slotted at fourth overall thanks to the total destruction of the Los Angeles Rams -- the quarterback debate will continue unabated next winter too.

The Bitcoin network continues to produce a block approximately every 10 minutes in an unabated fashion, as hash rate ticks higher and as the ledger offers an immutable settlement layer for global value.

Sadly, no one listens to this, making sure rogue fan behaviour runs on unabated in the stands.
Source: and Retain Top Talent Huntsville Business Journal

Instead, her first move is to extend the deadline for unabated agricultural pollution to 18 years, further demonstrating this government doesn’t care about the water and nature emergency.
Source: The Guardian

That’s because unabated mold growth and exposure can make your home uninhabitable and lead to health problems like allergies and other lung conditions for you and your children, your pets, and anyone else spending a lot of time on your property.
Source: Architectural Digest

Despite strong popular support for an assault weapons ban, mass shootings continue unabated in America, with more than 600 occurring thus far in 2022.

His own unabashed delight in wealth and its trappings, apparently unabated by the passage of time, has seen Norman collect everything from Ferraris to watches.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald

The spillway water continued unabated for 28 days.
Source: Marshalltown Times Republican

The research team discovered that heat, unabated sunshine, or drought cause the sugar-making apparatus in plant cells to generate an initial alarm molecule known as MEcPP.
Source: UC Riverside

 Xu admitted that the company continues to grow fast but given how quickly it hired employees, "its operating expenses – if left unabated – would continue to outgrow our revenue.
Source: CultureMap Houston

At COP27, governments were urged “to revisit and strengthen the 2030 targets in their national climate plans by the end of 2023, as well as accelerate efforts to phase down unabated coal power and phase out inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies.
Source: A weekly update of important green energy and climate news you might have missed Red, Green, and Blue

All of that was just in 1970 and the victories would continue unabated from there.
Source: Silodrome

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