Using "zeal" in a sentence

Focus on MacBook Pro logogetty While Apple does not have the same zeal in promoting discounts for Black Friday, there have been several moves that show the company working harder than normal to keep turnover on the MacBook platform as high as possible.
Source: Forbes

Continue to have the zeal to learn things and evolve yourself on both the personal and professional fronts without caring about the results.

 I witnessed the zeal and bravery with which the small number of Giants fans cheered their team on, amidst the veritable sea of Dodger lovers– so DeNiro’s leap into psychotic obsession wasn’t too big of one to believe.
Source: Indie Film Hustle

They laugh, but the slip actually illustrates something: that not only has Robert’s exploratory zeal not dimmed, it’s how he continues to grow.
Source: Climbing Magazine

She can let her zeal get the best of her sometimes.
Source: Plugged In

“He fought cancer with the same zeal and discipline [and] defied all the odds…living a very rich 16 years, full of life and creativity and music.
Source: The Violin Channel

One can hear Old Crow's zeal as the band head into its third decade.
Source: Screen International

Daniel’s competitive zeal became the talk of a 2019 corporate retreat at Walt Disney World in Orlando, according to two former executives who were in attendance.
Source: Los Angeles Times

Matching the zeal of the Barmy Army is the group “Not Out” — “a bit quieter, a bit older” but “on the same side”, according to Ross Midgley, visiting Pakistan with his wife Alison.

Scorpio Scorpio is a water sign and therefore people with this zodiac sign have strong and passionate feelings and zeal for creating intense relationships.

He rattles off facts and stories about knitting with a familiarity and zeal most of us can muster only for our personal lives.
Source: The Provincetown Independent

The entertainment conglomerate is not alone in its zeal for political activism.
Source: The Daily Wire

The Red Sox had a gaping hole in left, and their zeal netted them a perfect fit.
Source: Fangraphs

Their love for their partner is just so strong because of their zeal and readiness to devote everything they have to the connection.

I was a Remainer, but a grudging one — concerned about defects in the European Union’s constitutional order, opposed to the bloc’s regulatory and mercantilist instincts, and alarmed by its zeal for political and judicial integration.
Source: The Washington Post

That Goldin’s crusade comes rooted in personal grievances as she recovers from addiction does little to curb her righteousness—where so many celebrity mouthpieces offer platitudes, she plunges into the fray with the zeal of a lifelong, camera-savvy superstar.
Source: DualShockers

The 48-year-old, with the same athletic stage-hopping zeal from her youth, played the entire album mostly out of order, with a few other hits such as “Uninvited” and “Thank U” saved for the encore and brief snippets of latter-day tracks interspersed throughout.

True, and there are moments when the conservative majority’s ideological zeal outweighs whatever partisan instincts the justices might have.
Source: The Sunday Times, Sri Lanka The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

’ Santa Claus is a natural fit for that sort of sensibility, and with the added zip and zeal of production shingle 87North (‘Bullet Train,’ ‘Nobody’), it’s got the bone-crunching stunts to match Santa’s panache for killing baddies.
Source: IndieWire

Since the recreational activity began more than 20 years ago, it has spread across the world, spawning communities that have bonded over the zeal for the hunt.
Source: The Bulletin

This is driven by the growth of home-grown brands in the country which showcases the zeal and pace of technology adoption among health-conscious Indians in the country.
Source: BSI bureau

Abigail Azor Kulkarni started to crochet again (Source: Abigail Azor Kulkarni)Inspired by their zeal for knitting, some have even registered for her online classes.
Source: The Indian Express

Lenders, in their zeal to lock in volume, seem to start processing and locking borrowers sooner, but then deals are falling out of contract for various reasons.
Source: Mortgage News Daily

) He instilled that zeal into his son, Charley, who wanted to fight for the Union cause.
Source: Plugged In

It didn’t escape Harlan’s attention that, in their zeal to enforce racial distinctions in the law, his fellow justices were putting themselves in contradictory positions.

The zeal for grim and gruesome life has been sucked right out.

Daniel’s competitive zeal became the talk of a 2019 corporate retreat at Walt Disney World in Orlando, according to two former executives who were in attendance.
Source: Los Angeles Times

In their ongoing zeal to advance competing culture-war narratives about Twitter as a platform, Musk and his media critics routinely succumb to excesses that undermine faith in them.
Source: The Atlantic

You're likely to continue forward with fresh zeal and vigor on the path to achievement.

Here it seems that every hard-won victory will be followed by an equally challenging defeat and, as time passes, the priest’s religious zeal will acquire a frighteningly authoritarian cast.
Source: The New York Times

In its place is an ideological zeal to transform America into a country where the income of hardworking Americans is redistributed to those who don’t work, energy production is a scourge on the planet (unless done by autocratic foreign powers), and the government is responsible for paying everybody else’s bills except its own.
Source: Fox News

His zeal and determination never led to a career in music.
Source: The Guardian

With our continuous zeal to listen to the noise within, coupled with the need to deliver a power-packed performance, we are certain that his association with Virat will further bolster our connect with the young audience in India and overseas.
Source: NASA

Fueled by “a spirit of zeal and ardor,” according to Bell, Boonsboro’s citizens built most of the monument in a single day, returning to the site in September to complete its construction.
Source: Smithsonian Magazine

It’s this quest—an outlet for grief, or perhaps a redoubled zeal for life—which leads to a distinctive, often moving blend of historical and memoirist writing.
Source: The New Yorker

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