Using "homeostasis" in a sentence

“This is an amazing example of the importance of homeostasis in biology—even minor tweaks in kinase activity can result in pathology if the effects are allowed to accumulate over a lifetime.
Source: Neuroscience News

The plant NADPH oxidase RBOHD is required for microbiota homeostasis in leaves.

AKI occurs means the main function of the kidneys(maintaining homeostasis, fluid homeostasis, acid–base homeostasis et al.

The ESX-3 secretion system is necessary for iron and zinc homeostasis in mycobacterium tuberculosis.

" Consolidation of Mainz as a hub of genome stability research With its focus on genome stability, the CRC complements and strengthens ongoing research activities in Mainz and the Rhine-Main area, in fields ranging from RNA biology, epigenetics, and gene regulation to protein homeostasis and quality control.
Source: News-Medical.Net

, “Something more to say about calcium homeostasis: the role of vitamin K2 in vascular calcification and osteoporosis,” Eur.
Source: News

10338Hossein-Nezhad A, Mirzaei K, Keshavarz SA, Ansar H, Saboori S, Tootee A: Evidences of dual role of vitamin D through cellular energy homeostasis and inflammation pathway in risk of cancer in obese subjects.
Source: Cureus

This deficiency of vitamin D hurts bone mineral homeostasis and peak bone mass and may subsequently lead to low bone mineral density.
Source: Digital Journal

Apart from the well-known role of vitamin D in calcium homeostasis and the musculoskeletal system, vitamin D has a wide range of other biological functions and prolonged vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a variety of disorders in humans such as cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and respiratory infections3,4,5,6.

 Research (opens in new tab)has shown that compared to isolation exercises (like a bicep curl), compound exercises use more muscle mass, which requires more oxygen and energy and subsequently burns more calories — especially during recovery when the body is trying to return to homeostasis (balance).
Source: Tom's Guide

As a result, the body’s homeostasis is imbalanced.
Source: Fox News

“Given the importance of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and musculoskeletal health, its emerging role in extra-skeletal health, and the magnitude of deficiency of this vitamin, fortification of certain commonly used food items may be required,” it added.

"Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is the process of your body regulating itself back to homeostasis after a strenuous workout," explains Colon.
Source: CNET

Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance.

WNT signaling in bone homeostasis and disease: from human mutations to treatments.

The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), regulates transcriptional activity and is necessary for calcium homeostasis and metabolism.
Source: CBR Comic Book Resources

Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining gut integrity and intestinal homeostasis between the person and their gut microbiome.
Source: Climbing Magazine

Integrating physiological regulation with stem cell and tissue homeostasis.

Taken together, this study demonstrates that CM-NTUs can promote cartilage homeostasis and protect against osteoarthritis progression in animals.
Source: Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine

Altered cholesterol homeostasis in critical illness-induced muscle weakness: Effect of exogenous 3-hydroxybutyrate.

IntroductionMechanisms of reversible enzyme (de)activation in nature form the basis of signal transduction cascades and also lay behind the ability of cells and multicellular organisms to maintain the overall enzymatic homeostasis without wasteful, repetitive protein degradation and synthesis1,2,3.

In line with this notion, βOHB may have far-reaching effect on overall metabolic health, given that nutrient sensitive pathways activated in calorie restriction, intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets have important roles in metabolic homeostasis and longevity3.

ER-localized auxin transporter PIN8 regulates auxin homeostasis and male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis.

For each mouse model, reported phenotypes were grouped using the mammalian phenotype ontology hierarchy into broad categories relevant to CAD as follows: cardiovascular physiology (MP:0001544), cardiovascular morphology (MP:0002127), growth and body weight (MP:0001259), lipid homeostasis (MP:0002118), cholesterol homeostasis (MP:0005278) and lung morphology (MP:0001175).

“A model of calcium homeostasis in the rat” David Granjon,Olivier Bonny, Aurélie Edwards, 2016.
Source: Emergency Live International

Vitamin A signaling and homeostasis in obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.
Source: openPR

Vitamin supplementation by gut symbionts ensures metabolic homeostasis in an insect host.

Conditional ablation of CD205+ conventional dendritic cells impacts the regulation of T-cell immunity and homeostasis in vivo.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis and redox regulation in cellular signaling.

So if you take that temperament out into the world interaction, there are more breaks that are required if there’s going to be some homeostasis upheld.

Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance.

Aging and age-related loss of homeostasis (physiological dysregulation) were quantified via the integration of blood biomarkers.
Source: NHL

Regarding the small intestine, 3HBA mediates intestinal stem cell homeostasis through enhancement of Notch signaling by inhibition of HDAC activity6.

Nonetheless, the nasal passages of ankylosaurs may have mainly served as adaptation for thermal homeostasis of the brain by vascular tissues shedding excess heat into the nasal passages (being seemingly more efficient in E.

He has expertise in the factors that increase the likelihood and efficiency of HIV transmission and T cell homeostasis in HIV-1 infected persons.
Source: UMN News

“Given the importance of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and musculoskeletal health, its emerging role in extra-skeletal health, and the magnitude of deficiency of this vitamin, fortification of certain commonly used food items may be required,” it added.
Source: Kashmir Observer

Comprehensive genome analyses of <em>Sellimonas intestinalis</em>, a potential biomarker of homeostasis gut recovery.

Enterocyte sexual identity, determined by transformerFemale expression, dictates sexually dimorphic cell size, H3/H4-Bchs expression, basal rates of autophagy, fecundity, intestinal homeostasis and lifespan extension in response to rapamycin.
Source: Neuroscience News

" Consolidation of Mainz as a hub of genome stability research With its focus on genome stability, the CRC complements and strengthens ongoing research activities in Mainz and the Rhine-Main area, in fields ranging from RNA biology, epigenetics, and gene regulation to protein homeostasis and quality control.
Source: EurekAlert

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